Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Just Skidding Around

It was gorgeous here in Bleecker today.  Sunny for most of the day and warm.  70 degrees!  Pam had to officiate at a volleyball game in the afternoon, so we headed off to our property to skid logs from the woods to the firewood piles to be cut and split later.  Pam took chain duty and I drove Bessie the Tractor.  We struggled with  the big tree I cut last year.  The one that shook a leaner loose off to my left, whacking  me square on my noggin and breaking my neck.  We were getting that tree one way or another, and eventually we did.  Shortly thereafter, Earl showed up with his high torque 3 cylinder diesel tractor.

I'm glad he came over.  Not only did I break the brace on my three point hitch, but I ran out of gas.  Right here.

This is the wood pile of trees cut this year, to burn next.

While I was looking for sasquatch prints (nope), an owl hooted and the dogs went nuts.  That white spot in the middle of the pic is Olivia.

The woods are cleaning up nicely too.  I can see me putting a road down there to get Bessie in.  I've got the rocks to fill the ditches.

We have more to skid out of there.

The pile in the pic below is to cut and split now.  All the trees are either one or two years down and well seasoned.  They'll burn well.

And these, in the pic below, are tree seeds to plant now, so whomever owns this place many years from now will have black walnuts.  Black Walnut trees require a lot of sunshine and must be the dominant tree, so I need to plant them in the open, but I don't want them in the middle of our cleared area.  Nuts are great, but they litter the landscape.  Pam also says that horses can't eat them, although squirrels, bears, raccoon, and other critters do.  Also, the green covering was used for black die, and will stain whatever it ripens on, and the hands of whomever touches it.

Maybe I'll sneak over to Earl's place and plant them there.

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